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Ondes documents the flows of energy that shape our lives and overwhelm our powers of perception. The series addresses the link between our origin and our ultimate destination. The same link that unites us to distant times, to the first forms of life and to the cosmos, in a sense of interconnection and interdependence. Ondes presents a vision of reality that does not forget that it also refers to what we cannot see. It's an exploration of the elements based on the principle that everything is in perpetual transformation, whether we are capable of perceiving it or not.

Photo book published by XYZ Books

Photographs: Bénédicte Blondeau / Editing: Bénédicte Blondeau, Tiago Casanova and Pedro Guimarães / Design: Joana Durães / Prepress: Pedro Guimarães / Printing: Maiadouro
2024 / XYZ Books  / 60 pages / Offset Printing / 20 x 28 cm / Softcover / First Edition of 600 copies / ISBN 978-989-35169-1-1  / 36€

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Project supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, República Portuguesa DGArtes, Espace Contretype, Mulhouse Photo Bienniale.

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Ce qu’il reste [What remains] addresses the tension between the cool mastery of man-made environment and the strange majesty of organic forms slowly shaped by the natural elements and evolution. The series presents a juxtaposition between, on the one hand, images showing how human action has transformed the landscape, and on the other hand, photographs showing organic and aquatic life on Earth. By moving back and forth between these two points of view, the project invites a change of perspective, reminding us that the environment shaped and controlled by man is also fragile and ephemeral.

Photo book published by XYZ Books

Photographs: Bénédicte Blondeau / Editing: Bénédicte Blondeau, Tiago Casanova and Pedro Guimarães / Design: Joana Durães / Prepress: Pedro Guimarães / Printing: Maiadouro

2019 / XYZ Books / 52 pages / cover: copper paper (offset print + silk screen) / inside: 24 duotone plates and 4 CMYK plates / 20 x 28 cm / Softcover / First Edition of 450 copies / ISBN 978-989-99063-9-6

! last copies !

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Very last copies still available for 60€

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© 2024 by Bénédicte Blondeau

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